Mandatory Documents
- Latest ACRA search or instant information (dated no earlier than 6 months from date of project application)
If there are corporate shareholders, please provide the information for the corporate parents as well. - Audited financial statements or certified management accounts for the last Financial Year (FY)
- Consolidated financial statements for the last FY of your ultimate parent company, if any
- Project proposal
- Relevant proof of quotation for the cost of your project items. Where applicable, EnterpriseSG may seek clarifications on the choice of vendor and/or alternative quotation source.
Supporting Documents
- Quotation of hardware and software costs by number of units and unit cost
- Employment or Appointment letters of staff*
Consultancy Cost
- Consultancy proposal details with fee breakdown by phases, description of activity and man-days required
- For projects where management consultants are engaged, please include the consultants’ proposal detailing the scope of work, man-day rate breakdown of the service, as well as the CVs and scanned copies of the Singapore Accreditation Council -accredited TR 43 or SS 680 certification(s) of each individual consultant.
Projected Figures
- Company revenue
- Staff remuneration
- Depreciation
- Net operating profit before tax for three years’ post-project (inclusive of the year of project completion)
- Impact on workers (Singaporean or PR) benefitting from project in the form of increased wages, job creation, job-redesign or training
* If staff is not identified yet, provide the job description and designation
There are no compulsory application fees required for schemes offered by EnterpriseSG. Any application fees quoted by individuals/ firms offering grant application services are not endorsed by the Government.